
Conway's Game of Life

Ari Abed

2023 July 19

This post just contains a simple simulation of Conway's Game of Life.

Making a To-Do Tool in OCaml

Ari Abed

2023 July 17

In this blog post we will create a simple OCaml CLI tool to manage our to-do lists.

Double Pendulum

Ari Abed

2022 June 29

In this blog post you will see how to create a simple animation of the famous double pendulum system. You might also learn some physics and ODEs along the way.

Maze Generator - Prim's Algorithm

Ari Abed

2022 March 10

In this part of the maze generation series, we will be looking at Prims algorithm and look at a simple implementation.

Hosting a Minecraft Server with AWS EC2

Ari Abed

2021 August 25

The guide explains the process to set up a Minecraft Server on AWS EC2. It will explore everything from creating an AWS EC2 instance to configuring Java for minecraft-server.

Maze Generator - Recursive Backtracking

Ari Abed

2021 January 09

In this part of the maze generation series, we will be looking at recursive backtracking, and implement a simple version of it in Python using Numpy and OpenCV.