

Front-End Engineer Intern

May 2024 - Aug. 2024

  • Migrated from legacy APIs to Elasticsearch using React-Query, decreasing page load times for 2.5 million users by 40%
  • Introduced optimistic cache updates for all mutation API calls, eliminating up to 3 seconds of latency in updates}
  • Collaborated with UI designers to develop mobile-friendly views of the React web tool used by 7900 organizations
  • Led the team in a company-wide initiative to deprecate a critical vulnerable service called 3.5 million times a day, enhancing security for all users

Aven Financial

Full-Stack Engineer Intern

Jan. 2024 - Apr. 2024

  • Built a mortgage refinance flow using Vue.js and TypeScript, generating an average of $1,800 in revenue per application
  • Created a vectorized mortgage pricing engine in Python using Pandas capable of pricing 100 applications in <600ms
  • Architected a mortgage brokering product in TypeScript and PostgreSQL with integration with third party lenders
  • Contributed to the shared UI library used by all developers, reducing duplicate code and lowering technical debt


Software Engineer Intern

May 2023 - Aug. 2023

  • Applied concurrency techniques to Python code and reduced Redis update times from 15 minutes down to 2 minutes
  • Added a temporary ID system for hotels by hooking React to Redis, allowing agents to respond to 100 more calls per day
  • Revamped the on call system relied on by 100+ engineers during critical incidents by using Python and Slack API

Capital One

Software Engineer Intern

Sep. 2022 - Dec. 2022

  • Automated API creation on Capital One's mobile application edge service.

Capital One

Software Engineer Intern

Jan. 2022 - Apr. 2022

  • Worked with AWS services such as lambda and DynamoDB to manage infrastructure for other teams at Capital One by creating easy-to-use scripts and applications using Python and AWS SDK.
  • Using DevOps best practices by contributing to the Infrastructure as Code foundation, which runs Capital One Canada's operations.


Software Developer Intern

May 2021 - Sept. 2021

  • Developed and maintained an internal tool used by more than 800 employees by working with Java for the back-end and XHTML and PrimeFaces framework for the web user interface.
  • Utilized Docker and TeamCity DevOps for multiple fast and secure deployments on servers and used Kubernetes to achieve smooth scalability and 0 downtime.